Have you ever wondered why out of all the people in the world you had to deal with the issues you had to deal with? Have you ever wondered why everyone were gone when you needed them the most? Have you ever wondered why you had to go through so much pain and agony? Have you ever wondered why you even came on this earth?
I have and will still be wondering about things in this life. I have wondered about the pain of separation, shame, and guilt that my family had to endure. I have wondered about the pain of discrimination and inequalities we had to go through. I have wondered about so many things and am still wondering about other things.
So as everyday brings his share of pain and sorrows, everyday brings his share of wisdom and comfort. Glancing back at the past, I am grateful for the strength and grace that I was blessed with in those moments of agony.
I recalled in those dark moments how I vicariously was holding on the promises that The God who had delivered so many in the past would fight my battles as well. I had lost my voice and had remained silent for along time. There was nothing wrong with that, for there are battles that our little selves could never win, if not through divine interventions. Exodus 14:14 For the Lord will fight your battle, and you be silent. Being silent does not mean that you are wrong, nor weak. Being silent allows one to:
conserve energy
preserve oneself from faux-pas
have clarity in your spirit
have clarity in your judgements
have clarity of vision.
In fact in our silence we allows The Divine to show up in Majesty in our life. Job stayed silent in the midst of the shame of his despair, sudden poverty and griefs. until the time came for him to boldly talk to his *judging friends. Eli and Jesus had to go into hiding so they were not prematurely destroyed. Sometimes we have to go into the cave of our moments and take cover against the wind of our storm until we get the all clear *order.
Why do we have to go through so much pain and agony? Why a God of love would let us go though so much pain, lots of time unjustifiable pain?
If gold did not go through the fire; it would have been unrecognizable. People would pass it by or discard it as trash. I can guarantee you that any piece of gold that you may have encountered had gone through hell. But when the final product is revealed, what a transformation. What a beautiful, precious, indescribable piece of metal it has become. The same goes for us; after the storms of our lives are gone, we emerge victorious, graceful, refined, and grateful.
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